In this short series (see the Introduction), I lay out the four key categories of work that we do on behalf of our investment management clients — four kinds of activities that are difficult for folks without our training and experience to do for themselves. I hope that this series…
There are plenty of resources around the internet for people just beginning to look for financial planners and investment advisors — “Ten Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor”, for example, or “Seven Questions Every Advisor Should Be Able to Answer”, or many others. These are great resources, because if you’re…
It’s hard to avoid hearing the rumbling sound coming from Wall Street over the last couple of weeks. Even news outlets that don’t normally mention market news have spent at least a few minutes on the wild ups and downs – okay, mostly downs – of the major indexes. And…
There were a couple of interesting articles in the investment industry press yesterday that I feel the urge to share with everyone. First is “Ignore the Gurus“, by Scott MacKillop from Wealth Management magazine. My favorite pull-quote: “The guru Hall of Fame is an empty room.” It seems that market…
Happy New Year! January always has us looking in two directions – back over the year just past, and ahead at the year to come. Over the next few weeks, American taxpayers will begin to receive the annual flurry of forms regarding their financial life in 2016. This would be…
As much as we might all like to put it off further, it’s getting to be time to pull together our various documents and prepare our tax returns for 2015. You probably already have a fair number of forms — student loan and mortgage loan interest statements were generally made…
As the global economy gets more complex, and the average person is expected to know and understand more about their larger role in it, “personal financial literacy” has become a vital skill. In the US, according to the Council for Economic Education, financial literacy has been integrated into public school…