This debt ceiling nonsense appears to be a manufactured crisis, which could and probably will be resolved pretty easily, and the best approach for all of us is to remain invested in our long-term portfolios.
Going “all-in” on the transition to a renewable energy economy now is the key to a secure, stable, and environmentally sustainable future.
Our friend Sonia Kowal, President of Zevin Asset Management, recently posted this statement on the crisis that’s unfolding in Ukraine. We have been trying to write something to express our dismay and heartbreak — but Sonia’s words here capture our thoughts exceedingly well. Thank you, Sonia, for allowing us to…
A few of our clients here in Santa Fe read an article in today’s local paper by Doug Lynam, a partner at LongView Asset Management here in town. The article is headlined “Fight the power, save the planet”, which doesn’t sound particularly scary – but one of our clients asked…
Last week we saw our Commander In Chief, Trump, unilaterally decide that Transgender individuals were no longer fit to serve in the military. Too expensive he said. Unequivocally untrue, but what isn’t that comes out of this administration these days? The backlash was immediate. The call from GLBTQ organizations was…
On Thursday, June 8th, the House of Representatives passed the “Financial CHOICE Act”. We believe that this is a remarkably bad bill, and hope that the Senate manages to prevent its adoption. Call your Senators today, and ask them to block any Senate version of this bill! Why are we…
Last week, just before heading off to Florida for the weekend, President Trump took a couple of executive actions designed to begin the process of cutting regulation on banks and Wall Street firms. Dodd-Frank The first of these orders, “On Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System”…
A college classmate wrote me an email recently, asking my opinion about the state of the world, and the markets, in the current political climate. Since the election there’s a nagging voice in my head saying that the money I’m investing is just going to go away on account of…
While we can’t be certain whether the immediate financial-market reactions to his election will continue for the length of a Trump presidency, we think that some of the policies proposed by the incoming administration give even more reasons than ever to make sure that your investments are aligned with your…
While we can’t be certain whether the immediate financial-market reactions to his election will continue for the length of a Trump presidency, we think that some of the policies proposed by the incoming administration give even more reasons than ever to make sure that your investments are aligned with your…