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Perplexing Letters from First Affirmative

By March 27, 2017May 21st, 2019Leadership News, Strategic Partners


Monday, March 27, 2017 —
6pm, Mountain Time —


Attention Clients:

I just received a strange and confusing letter in the mail — and apparently at least some of you did, as well — from First Affirmative Financial Network (FAFN). We just wanted to reassure you that there is no cause for alarm.

FAFN is a Colorado Springs-based company which was once involved in the management of some of our accounts, but with whom we have done very little business for about four years. They were recently purchased by Folio Investing, and it seems that in the difficult process of becoming a subsidiary to their new ownership, they used an old database or other source of client contact information to produce this inaccurate mailing.

We are currently seeking, by various means, contact with FAFN management, in hopes of receiving an explanation of how they came to contact our clients who are no longer in any manner connected with them, and how they will prevent such contact from occurring in the future … and perhaps an apology for raising any unnecessary concern.

However, even now we can assure you that if you are a client of Horizons and you received the letter from FAFN, there is nothing you need to do or worry about. It was sent entirely in error — FAFN’s error. If you have any questions about this, or you want to let us know you received a copy of the letter (to help us document the scale of the problem) please email If you want just to put “I got the FAFN letter” in the subject line of an email; that would be sufficient for our counting purposes. We hope to have an account of what went wrong, and perhaps a list of those who received this letter, from FAFN sometime tomorrow, but we’re not holding our breath. In the meanwhile, we appreciate you helping us with this situation.