This debt ceiling nonsense appears to be a manufactured crisis, which could and probably will be resolved pretty easily, and the best approach for all of us is to remain invested in our long-term portfolios.
March has been a wild and wooly month so far, with high volatility continuing to roil the global stock markets and central banks continuing to put pressure on bond markets. But the most interesting story of the last couple of weeks — and the one that’s sparked the most conversation with clients — is sudden turmoil in the banking industry.
— PRESS RELEASE — CFP® Certificants: Ethics CE Course Offered April 8 at INSIGHTS 2016 in San Diego FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, March 21, 2016 Bridgeville, PA and Santa Fe, NM fi360, in conjunction with Horizons Sustainable Financial Services, are pleased to offer a two-hour session titled…
The news is full of stories about Greece’s debt default, their “no” vote on an important referendum, and the chances of their exit from the European Union / “Eurozone”. The New Yorker has a pretty good example, with some significant commentary. Because this situation is unusual, neither the pundits nor…
PRESS RELEASE Horizons Sustainable Financial Services Presents: “Exploring Horizons in Carbon Energy: Divestment and Engagement” September 16 & 17, 6 to 8 pm — Jean Cocteau Cinema, Santa Fe Santa Fe, NM — August 22, 2014 — Horizons Sustainable Financial Services, a Santa Fe-based registered investment advisory firm, announced…